اليوم: الخميس-12 سبتمبر 2024 03:30 ص

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ، جامعة عدن هي ا...
يدشن مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب في جامعة عدن موقعه الإلكتروني الجديد كانجاز تقني متميز يضاف إلى الوسائل الع...


الجمعة, 13, يناير, 2023
كُتب بواسطة : أ. دنيا عدنان خليل

رؤية اليمن اليمنية لقضايا المرأة ، المشاركة السياسية أنموذجاً

الباحثة:  رؤى حسن محمد زين

الاشراف : أ.د. سميرعبدالرحمن  الشميري

2020 م

ملخص الرسالة: 

تهدف هذه الدراسة إلىتسليط الضوء على واقع مشاركة المرأة اليمنية في الحياة السياسية وذلك من خلالتواجدها في الأحزاب السياسية ومدى مشاركتها في المجالس النيابية والمحلية ،وتستعرضها بدراسة تحليلية على ضوء نتائج الانتخابات النيابية ورصد نسب تمثيلها فيكل من المجالس النيابية والأحزاب السياسية.وقد تناولت الدراسة أربعة أحزاب رئيسية(الحزب الاشتراكي اليمني، المؤتمر الشعبي العام، التنظيم الوحدوي الناصري، التجمعاليمني للإصلاح). وقد استخدمت الباحثة المنهج الوصفي والتحليلي ومنهج تحليلالمحتوى للوصول إلى النتائج المرجوة من البحث من خلال جمع البيانات وتحليلها، وكماقامت الباحثة باستخدام منهج دراسة الحالة للتوصل إلى الفهم والتحليل العميقين عنوضع المرأة داخل الأحزاب السياسية وما هي الصعوبات التي تواجهها في إطار العملالحزبي، فلجأت إلى القيام بالعديد من المقابلات مع بعض الشخصيات السياسيةوالمجتمعية المهمة للوصول إلى معلومات دقيقة حول موضوع الدراسة.


Women are part of society and shouldnot be far from the political, economic and cultural transformations takingplace in the homeland, and the decline of the role of women in politicalparticipation and party life is considered a serious and real indication thatpolitical parties retreat from their obligations to support women in order toreach decision-making positions. This study aims to shed light on the realityof the Yemeni women’s participation in political life through their presence inpolitical parties and the extent of their participation in the local andparliamentary councils and reviews them with an analytical study in the lightof the results of the parliamentary elections and monitoring theirrepresentation percentages in both the parliament and political parties. Fourmain parties (the Yemeni Socialist Party, the General People's Congress, theNasserite Unionist Organization, the Yemeni Assembly for Reform). Theresearcher used the descriptive and analytical approach to reach the desiredresults from the research by collecting and analyzing data, and the researcheralso used the case study method to reach a deep understanding and analysisabout the status of women within political parties and what are thedifficulties they face within the partisan framework, so I resorted to doingmany From interviews with some important political and community figures to getaccurate information on the subject of the study.

Conclusion: which included a set ofconclusions and recommendations that were drawn from the study.

Finally, the sources and references.

Research Findings

1-The participation of Yemeni womanin the political life is characterized with weakness as is confirmed by thepercentage of her presence in decision-making positions.

2-The study showed that there are manyfactors and reasons that have impeded the effectiveness of woman`sparticipation in the political life, social and cultural factors still impedeYemeni woman`s participation in political decision-making, also we should not forgetthat the woman bears the responsibility for her ineffective and unreal presencein the political life. This study showed the low representation of the woman inpolitical parties due to various social, political and economic factors as wellas constraints related to the woman herself.

       3- Th e study demonstrated a lack of a real intention and will of the political parties and the government tosupport woman`s issues and advocate her to make her fulfill her ambitions bygiving her equal opportunities with the man. This study has produced a tragicreality for her hopes of being strongly in decision-making positions so thatshe participates in making public policies like the man.

4-There is a genuine and deliberateneglect /failure on the part of government bodies to support women`s issues,including active participation in decision-making  also obtaining their various rights and equalopportunities as men.

5-The Yemeni woman has not played amajor role in supporting her issues and her partners in all fields , forvarious reasons which have had the negative effect of not changing the realityor the status quo which is the continuation of marginalizing or reducing thewoman`s role.

Here ,the researcher has suggestedsome recommendations to enhance the woman`s participation in the politicalfield, they are:

1-Serious work to eradicateilliteracy that is widespread in the society in general and in the femalecommunity in particular.

2-Working towards the stereotypedimage of woman on the part of the state and the political parties throughvarious programs in the fields of education and media .

3-Allocating seats for women in theelected councils as a necessity in the light of the current reality of woman`spolitical participation, to meet the needs of women (quota system).

4-Organizing a campaign to opendialogue with many parties (political parties, associations, unions and media)on the issue of activating women`s political participation.

5-Training and qualifying womencandidates to run election campaigns , addressing the public and gaining itstrust.

6-Developing leadership skills forwomen and working to establish new generation of young female leaders tostrengthen the feminist movements.

7-Feminist characters indecision-making positions should support the woman in obtaining her social,political and economic rights.

8-Yemeni parties should allocatespecific percentages for women in their higher leadership positions todemonstrate their good faith towards women.

9-Conducting awareness-raising campaignsto show the importance of women`s participation in the political field.

Providing financial support for womencandidates.10-

The woman must take advantage of thepositions she has reached , whether in the government or in the politicalparties, she must also work to serve her issues, makes her voice heard in orderto achieve her rights in the society just like the man and helps to change thesocietal view towards the woman.