اليوم: السبت-26 أكتوبر 2024 03:15 م

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ، جامعة عدن هي ا...
يدشن مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب في جامعة عدن موقعه الإلكتروني الجديد كانجاز تقني متميز يضاف إلى الوسائل الع...


 تأسس مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب عام 1998 م بقرار من مجلس جامعة عدن رقم( 25  ) في دورته الثالثة لعام 1998 م ونص القرار بأن يعامل المركز ككلية ويمثل بمجلس الجامعة . 

أنيطت بالمركز المهام التالية من خلال اللائحة التنظيمية حينذاك :

1-      إجراء البحوث والدراسات الخاصة بالمرأة والنوع الاجتماعي .

2-      تنظيم الدورات التدريبية من أجل رفع قدرات القائمين بقضايا النوع الاجتماعي .

3-      تأسيس نظام معلوماتي ومكتبة متخصصة بقضايا المرأة والنوع الاجتماعي .

4-      خدمة المجتمع من خلال تقديم الاستشارات والعمل مع المجتمع المدني .

أجريت تعديلات في اللائحة التنظيمية للمركز عام 2004 م حيث تم استحداث نظام الدراسات العليا وفتح برامج الدبلوم العالي والماجستير وأصدر قرار رئيس الجامعة رقم ( 315 ) بالعمل باللائحة التنظيمية الجديدة . وتمّ تشكيل مجلس ادارة المركزعلى النحو التالي :

1-      د.هدى علي علوي                       رئيساً                

2-      د هناء عبدالرحمن صالح                 قائما بأعمال نائب مدير المركز                

3-      د.عبد الوهاب ثابت شمسان             عن كلية الحقوق

4-      د.سعاد عثمان عبد الرحيم               عن كلية الاقتصاد

5-      د.أنيس أحمد طايع                       عن كلية التربية/ عدن

6-      د.عبدالله داؤود باوزير                   منتدب عن كلية العلوم الإدارية

7-      د.هدى عمر باسليم                       عن كلية الطب

8-      د.عبد الخالق محمد صالح البكري      عن كلية الآداب

9-      دنيا عدنان خليل محمد القادري            أمين المركز



BiographyAbout WRTC


Women's Center for Research and Training WRTC:

The Women’s Center for Research and Training (WRTC) wasestablished in 1998 AD by a decision of the University of Aden Council No. (25)in its third session of 1998, and the decision stipulated that the center betreated as a college and be represented in the University Council, and Article3 of its regulations stipulated that the center has an independent legal personalityand is directly linked to a representative With its director at theuniversity’s presidency, the laws and regulations in force at the universityapply to him.

In the year 2012 the WRTC obtained an official license fromthe Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor, registration No. (204) as anindependent Yemeni non-governmental social development and not-for-profitorganization.

The center seeks to develop a democratic Yemeni societybased on the principles of equality between men and women. By formulating avision based on social justice and equal opportunities, addressing gender-basedviolence in Yemeni society, and integrating gender in the context of social,cultural, political and economic development.

The Vision of Women's Center: 

The center's vision is to build a woman living in a just andequal Yemeni society in rights and duties, enjoying all her constitutionalrights, and able to integrate into economic, social, cultural and politicaldevelopment projects to ensure a balanced and just society that rejectsgender-based violence in Yemen.

The Mission of Women's Center:

The mission and mission of the Center crystallize incommunity service, attention to women's issues and responding to the needs ofwomen and girls and victims of gender-based violence, providing legal aid,social counseling and protection services in environments where human rightsare violated, and addressing the psychological, social, economic and culturalneeds of young people on a large scale.

The Women's Center undertakes the following tasks:

1.     Gender analysis and provision of advisory services togovernmental and non-governmental institutions on gender issues.

2.     Building and organizing training programs in the field ofgender serving women and the family and related to development issues in Yemenisociety.

3.     Organizing seminars, workshops and conferences to discussand discuss women's problems and circulate their results.

4.     Cooperating with universities and scientific centersspecialized in women and gender studies and creating twinning relations withthem.

5.     Encouraging and documenting research and studies related towomen’s issues, gender and Yemeni youth in particular, and Arab and foreign ingeneral, to form a scientific library specialized in women’s affairs, genderand youth.

6.     Building partnerships with local and international NGOs,development institutions and scientific centers specialized in women and genderstudies, and creating a working partnership and cooperation with them.

7.     Professional development and skills training to contributeto improving the status of women and youth in Yemeni society and enhancingtheir participation in all fields.


WRTC strives toachieve the following objectives:

1.     Implementation of sustainable development projects andprograms that work on improving the status of women, integrating gender, andidentifying constraints of inclusion and response through conducting studiesand field research.

2.     Promoting issues of empowerment and gender mainstreaming ingovernmental and non-governmental institutions, and in local and judicialauthorities.

3.     Implementing studies, analyzing policies, measuring publicopinion, and developing social capital indicators.

4.     Collect, monitor and analyze data, statistics andinformation related to women, children and the family

5.     Monitoring and evaluation of activities and events relatedto women's issues.

6.     Addressing the causes and consequences of gender-basedviolence within Yemeni society, in addition to its gender-specificimplications.

7.     Implementation of peace building projects, initiatives, andsocietal cohesion and stability.

8.     Building the capacities of local authorities andinstitutions providing governmental and non-governmental services.

9.     Work to spread a culture of respect and the rule of law insociety.

Capabilities and Experience:

The WRTC has established strong and distinguishedpartnerships with a number of international organizations, during which anumber of projects have been implemented in a number of Yemeni governorates,some of which can be identified during the past years, as follows:

        WRTC implemented a study in 2023, funded by Oxfam, onvaluing women's work and humanitarian aid during conflict.

        The WRTC Center, in partnership with the support of UNDP,implemented a project to establish a gender network for master's graduates inthe Women's Studies Program, during the year 2022, and the duration of theproject is 12 months.

        WRTC implemented a study in 2021, funded by Oxfam, oncognitive thinking about gender-based violence among vulnerable groups.

        Organizing a two-day training workshop to enhance thecapabilities of female students on the skills of the twenty-first century, withthe international trainer, Mr. Adeeb Khodabakhsh, March 8-9, 2022.

        Implementation of a three-day training course for feministactivists on negotiation, leadership, management and advocacy strategies, May2022.

        The WRTC established an institutional partnership forcapacity building with the Dutch NUFFIC during the period 2006-2009, wheretraining programs and conferences on gender were implemented and a master'sprogram in women's studies was opened, through which over the past fifteenyears more than fifty female students have graduated A master's degree, morethan 100 diploma holders.

        Partnership with the German Agency for International Cooperationin implementing the project to involve women in conflict resolution and peacebuilding in Yemen from February to May 2021, through the implementation of twoworkshops in Aden and Taiz and an international conference on women’sparticipation at the local level to contribute to coexistence in Yemen.Focusing on the path of women's participation in supporting stability andbuilding peace.

        Implementation of a field study in 2020 for DRC on exclusionfrom humanitarian assistance in Yemen and identifying coping strategies forvulnerable groups with an analysis of gender exclusion.

        A draft amendment to the Civil Society Organizations Law inYemen for the year 2018 in cooperation with the Arab Fund for Human Rights,Beirut.

        Rapid assessment project on gender-based violence andservice mapping in ten Yemeni governorates in cooperation with the UnitedNations Population Fund during the year 2019.

        A project to strengthen combating violence against women incooperation with CARE International in 2019.

        Women's Empowerment Project in cooperation with RGP andfunded by USAID in 2013.

        A field study on the implementation of the quota system inYemen in six governorates in partnership with the Open Society Foundation (aSwiss organization with regional headquarters in Amman, Jordan) in 2013.

        Capacity building project for young leaders and crisismanagement in cooperation with the Canadian Program for Supporting LocalInitiatives in 2013.

        A project to strengthen community dialogues with the localcommunity on the axes of the National Dialogue Conference for nine issues atthe level of nine directorates in Aden Governorate, in cooperation with theInternational Organization for Migration.

        Advocacy conference for empowering women and supportingwomen's benefits in February 2015, in partnership with the InternationalOrganization for Migration.

        Women’s participation in peace building project in Abyangovernorate in cooperation with the International Organization for Migration,2015.

        Strategic Communication and Peacebuilding Project incooperation with the Search for Common Ground in Lahj Governorate, 2016.

        Strategic Communication and Peacebuilding Project inKhormaksar District in Aden, 2017, in cooperation with the Search for CommonGround Organization.

        Strategic Communication and Peacebuilding Project in theDirectorate of Tur Al Baha - Lahj, in 2018, in cooperation with the Search forCommon Ground Organization.




Strategic objectives for the development of WRTC:

The strategic objectives are the objective on which thisproposal is based in developing the status of women:

Thefirst goal: to promotethe social, political and economic rights of women and girls.

Thesecond goal: Contributeto improving mental health and social protection for women and girls who arevictims of violence.

Thethird objective:improving the quality of services provided to the most marginalized groups(women and girls) and reaching wider sectors.


WRTC team is basic and volunteers (human resources):

A group of female academics, researchers, researchers,defenders and defenders of the rights of women and girls, and we believe thatthe issue of women is a societal issue and not only a feminist issue, and thatgender equality is a prerequisite for building a Yemeni society based onpluralism and democracy and the abolition of all manifestations ofdiscrimination based on gender, and we believe in the values ​​of socialjustice Based on human rights principles and international conventions.

The Women Center team consists of 20 academics(female/male), 10 of whom have long experience and are considered among thefounders of the center. They were rehabilitated and trained when the center wasestablished on gender issues and need to update and develop their information,and 10 academies with short experience who are new and recent graduates to thewomen's center team and they need training and rehabilitation in women's andgender issues.

The Women's Center in the Graduate Studies Programaccommodates 25-30 students (female/male) annually. They are rehabilitated andsupervised by the teaching staff, who are the female/male academics team at theWomen's Center.


Departments and Sections of WRTC:

The board ofdirectors consists of:

        Center Director.

        Executive Director.

        Curriculum and Postgraduate Studies Department.

        Department of Information and Media Unit.

        Department of Gender Research and Studies.

        Rehabilitation and Training Department.

        Administrative and financial affairs.



The Organizational Structure of WRTC: