اليوم: الثلاثاء-11 فبراير 2025 12:45 ص

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ، جامعة عدن هي ا...
يدشن مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب في جامعة عدن موقعه الإلكتروني الجديد كانجاز تقني متميز يضاف إلى الوسائل الع...


Professor: Dr.Abd Ali Al- Khaffaf

                       Dr.Abdulhakim Atrooh

                       M(s) Radhiya Shamshir Ali

                       Translated by:

                       Dr.Abdullah Alkaff

                       Director, Center For British, American & Translation


                       Aden University


Research Team

1.      Dr. Abd Ali Alkhaffaf

2.      Dr. Abdulhakim Mohsen Atroosh

3.      M(s) Radhiya Shamshir



Statistical Work Team

1.      Dr. Zobair Ayash Nasim

2.      Dr. Nadia Sallam

3.      Mr. Hussain Abbodi


 Field Work Team

1.      Mr. Salah Salem (Hodadiah & Shabwa Gov.)

2.      Mr. Anwar Al-Shadhly (Taiz Gov.)

3.      Mr. Mustafa Mosa Rizgallah (Capital Trust)

4.      Mrs. Rahima Abdullah Mohammed (Lahij Gov.)

5.      Miss Muna Mohammed Hussain


Supervisory Scientific Committee

1.      Professor Abdullah Saeed Al-Hattab

2.      Associate Professor Dr. Sulaiman Bin Azzon

3.      Associate Professor Dr. Rokhsana Mohammed Ismail





       Part 1


      Part 2

      Theoretical Background

      Section 1

     A Brief historical Background to the polygamy system

      Section 2

       Polygamy in Islam

      Constraints on Polygamy

1.      Restricting the number of wives to four

2.      Maintaining justice between wives

3.      The financing capability

4.      Polygamy as practiced by the Prophet (pbuh)

Section 3

The stand of the Arab Legislation with regard to polygamy

Section 4

Polygamy in the Yemeni Legislations

1.      Polygamy in the Family Law No.1 for 1974

2.      Polygamy in the Family Law No.3 for 1978

3.      Polygamy in the Yemeni Personal Status Law

Section 5

The Reason for Polygamy

Part 3 Section 1


The Researched Community

Section 2

The Researched sample

1.      The Research Instruments

2.      Design of Instruments

Measuring the Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

Section 4

The Instruments Used in the Statistical Analysis

Section 5

Demonstration and Discussion of the Data

Obtained from the Tow Studied Samples

1.      General Characteristic of the Samples

      The Size of the Researched Phenomenon and its Geographical and Instrumental Variation

2.      The Relationship between Polygamy and the Different

      Characteristics of the Subjects

      Part 4


     Results and Recommendations

                 i. General References

                 ii. Documents

               iii. Laws, (all in Arabic)

               iv. Foreign References

    Appendix 1

   Appendix 2    List of tebles