اليوم: السبت-26 أكتوبر 2024 03:15 م

الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على اشرف المرسلين سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين ، جامعة عدن هي ا...
يدشن مركز المرأة للبحوث والتدريب في جامعة عدن موقعه الإلكتروني الجديد كانجاز تقني متميز يضاف إلى الوسائل الع...


الخميس, 12, يناير, 2023
كُتب بواسطة : الباحثة:نجوين نادر حسين شمشير



It should be mentioned that modern communication meansare the tools or devices that transfer information between people. Humans haveinvented over the ages many means of communication, starting from sendingsignals through smoke reaching the phone and e-mail. At the present timedigital means of communication have become the most common means ofcommunication.  The importance of moderncommunication means lies in several fields, the most important of which is theability to access websites through their Internet connection, and theirconnection to networks that enable people to transfer and exchange information.Modern communication means also have an important role in various fields,especially the industrial field, where modern manufacturing machines receiveinformation and data that control them and their mechanism of operation. Itgoes without saying, modern communication means are subject to continuousdevelopment.

The Significance of the Study

Actually, communicating with others, transferringand obtaining information has become easier and more smooth with the emergenceof modern communication devices in use that can be used anywhere and anytime,such as computer, laptop, mobile phone, and others.

 In fact, the multiplicityof modern means of communication that allow the possibility of communicationbetween individuals quickly and easily has the ability to publish messages orinformation as it is not limited to a specific group and everyone can see andinteract with it and express their opinions and comments.  One of the most prominent modern communicationmeans is social networking sites.

 Sincewomen enjoy many political, social, cultural rights and others according to thelaws in force in all countries of the world, including Yemen, these rights havebeen regulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Yemen and some laws inforce such as the Right of Access to Information Law no. (13) of the year 2012.

Thus, this thesis was divided into two chapters. Chapterone dealt with the nature, types, concept and importance of modern means ofcommunication. Chapter two dealt with the right of women to access and useinformation, the importance of this right, the legal definition, the guaranteesof this right in legislation, the legal guarantees for women's access toinformation, obstacles to accessing information, restrictions imposed, andobstacles to women's access to information.

Rationale of the Study

 It goes without sayingthat these rights were included in the international charters and covenantsratified by the countries of the world in various stages, starting with theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights, and the International Covenant on Civiland Political Rights.

These rights have been guaranteed by internationallegislations and national laws in various fields, as the Right of Accessto  Information Law no. (13) of the year2012 is considered as one of the new laws in the field ofprotecting the right of women in this field,  because this right is one of the importantrights that were able to establish the rules for protection for the right of women,inculcation of equality and eliminating the gender gap between the sexes.

This development is considered as a reflection ofthe women's practice of their right to fulfill their role, so that they canactively contribute to their role in various fields through their productive,economic and social activities, scientific research activities, helping ineducation, and upbringing of new generations equipped with knowledge and moralsto continue building and developing in various fields.

The practice of this right by women also contributesto the field of undergraduate and postgraduate studies. The informationobtained by women contributes to establishing a scientific and cultural thoughtthat helps them perform their tasks after graduating from university andworking in their fields of specializations with competence and efficiency.

The resulting of access to and use of information isone of the important rights that have an impact on the intellectual,scientific, social, political and economic development of women, as they are acomponent of gender in community that contributes significantly to thecomprehensive development process in community. This development, which is consideredas a reflection of women's practice of their right to obtain and useinformation, plays a major role in women performing their tasks in variousfields, not only in the field of contributing to the economic development of communityby using that information to improve their productive and economic performanceand scientific research activity, but also helps in educating and upbringing ofnew generations equipped with knowledge and morals, resulting in the consequentemergence of new generations in community that continue to build and develop itin various fields.

Objectives of the Study

It should be noted that the issuance of the Law no.(13) of the year 2012 regarding the Right of Accessto Information is the legal means that affirms the right of individuals toobtain information. It is one of the rights stipulated in internationallegislations. The Yemeni Constitution in force also stipulated the right ofcitizens in general to benefit from the available capabilities it provides toserve freedom of expression, scientific research and other creative fields.

 In fact, this law aimsto empower women as the citizens of this State and to secure their right to obtaininformation without delay. Also, it aims to expand the rules for prctising thatright to enable community to develop its capabilities to benefit fromincreasing information, according to Article (3) of this law. In the same trend,Article (4) of the same law also affirms the right to obtain information as abasic right of citizens, and they are entitled to practise this right withinthe limits of the law.

This law included many guarantees that enable womenand all citizens to practise this right transparently and smoothly. Theseguarantees are summarized that the State should facilitate the methods ofobtaining information and not making it available in all cases, as there arerestrictions related to information related to State security. The law alsoestablished the mechanism by which women can obtain information.

This law is of great importance in the currentcircumstances, as the wheel of the electronic boom and the circulation of newsand information is taking place at an accelerated pace and withoutbarriers.  As we demonstrated in thisstudy, the importance of the right of women to obtain information has itsimpact on them in the event that this right is practised in all social,economic, political and scientific aspects. Modern communication means  havealso gained great importance in this scientific thesis, and I focused on theimportance of electronic means of communication and their impact on the progressand development of community technically and scientifically, as well as itsimportance in the field of business administration and social communicationbetween people.

 The researcher used thedescriptive analysis method to achieve the objective of this study, based onavailability of references. It is to show the importance of the right of womento obtain and use information and the extent of its impact when using such aright on the development of women in all respects and in the comprehensivedevelopment of community.

 The study offered aconclusion and inferences. The researcher also provided a number ofrecommendations that she believes could help practise this right in a broaderand more transparent manner.